All the small things
...that make this week, so far, not at all a bad week:
Monday: I finished (for the time being, unless I get more assigned to me) the accounting work I've been doing -- plus, I'm going to get paid for this, AND I'll be able to list this as a summer job on my résumé, too. Whee. :)
Tuesday: I did a bit of packing, but mostly I finally got to relax a bit. I mean, sure, I've relaxed a little on weekends, but never with that I've-got-nothing-else-I-need-to-be-working-on feeling. It's quite a nice feeling, really. I also got an e-mail telling me that, since I was one of the first 50 webmasters to post the Alanis Morissette banner onto my site (it's at the bottom of this page), I'm going to get the
Jagged Little Pill Acoustic album for free -- I've already got it, but I can give it to someone who doesn't. Yay!
Wednesday: My free
Kingdom of Heaven poster came in the mail for me. I got this for the same reason I'm getting the Alanis CD -- posted the KOH banner on my site back in May. Yippee! Sure, I may have been disappointed with the movie, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a shiny new poster. :)
Thursday (a.k.a., today): Through dividing up 2 tasks between 2 people (seems like a logical method, doesn't it?), both Susan and I are both ticketholders for both
Live 8 in Barrie on July 2 and the
Tori Amos concert in August. Yippee! Of course, we're not even sure we're going to Live 8, but if we can, then we've got the tix. Something like this -- with a crowd as big as it'll probably be -- isn't usually my cup o' tea, and I still don't think it is, necessarily, but...I just figure I usually watch everything happen on television and I never actually
take part in these big events happening somewhere else. I just
watch them happen, but I don't
go to them. So I figure -- hey, this is free, Barrie isn't SO far from here, my summer course won't even have started yet, and why don't I just try to get tickets and see what happens? No big deal if I don't. But I we actually go, it should be interesting. Chances are I'd end up thinking, "Well, gee, I should have just stayed home and watched this on TV," but how would I know that if I don't ever go to anything?
The nice thing about both of these concerts is that they bookend my summer course rather than coming in the middle of it. My course goes from July 5 to August 11 and the final exam is the week after that. Even if we don't go to Live 8, I wouldn't mind starting off July watching the concert (OLP's gonna be there!) on TV, wearing my PJs. It'd be fun. :)
Friday (a.k.a. The Day After that is Tomorrow): Susan's coming over after she's finished work for the day and we're going to do some quality TV-watching (see, I told you I liked watching TV!). Quality as in -- we're going into the dark, musty vaults of yesteryear television and watching old
Buffy and/or
X-Files episodes. I say and/or because I'm not sure I've still got the XF tape Susan left here -- I mean, I HAVE it, I just don't know where. I suspect Mom's already got it packed away in a carboard box somewhere that's already been taped up. Whoops. I never watched
The X-Files back when it was still on, but according to my fairly-accurate recommendations, I should like the show. It's recommended to me specifically because I rated and liked
Roswell, and
Dark Angel -- not just one or two of those, but rather all 4 together is what got me the XF recommendation. Ha.